Thursday, December 10, 2009

COP15: Day 3

Lisa Jackson of the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) met with a group of eight youth this morning, including our very own, Miriam.

I was pleasantly surprised by Lisa Jackson’s humbleness towards theyouth. She
listened to what each youth had to say. She recognizes thatthe youth voice is a
crucial voice in the deliberations.
One of the participants said that “climate solution is human solution.” We need to look for the opportunities that come out of climate change and address them with innovative and creative strategies. What new opportunities can we embrace from the current situation? We need to adopt more efficient and effective strategies in terms of our lifestyle and behaviors to improve the environment.

Four members of our delegation spent the day at a Danish school and led climate games. Margrethe noted the enthusiasm of the children. She says:

Through the games, the children learned that climate negotiations are not
easy, that people are often misinformed about the climate, and that some facts
The children were enthusiastic and happy to speak with the WAGGGS representatives about climate change and what the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are doing around the world. The children made green handprints and notes of messages that they would like to be presented by us on their behalf at COP15.

Two young people, a young girl from the Salmon Islands and a boy from Morocco shared their stories during the press conference of the International Youth Climate Movement. They announced that tomorrow will be the Youth Future Generation action day. WAGGGS will run a side event right after the ribbon cutting.Other members of our delegation attended many different side events. Gabi attended a very promising session about Finland. She says:

I think that it is pretty cool that Finland declared to cut their CO2
emissionlevel by 40 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050. This is greater
than thee mission level that was set as a target by the EU.
Our whole delegation took photos with Mr. Jacques Diouf, the director general of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). It was a good opportunity to thank Mr. Diouf for the cooperation between FAO and WAGGGS in the production of the Food Security and Climate Change Challenge Badge.

This evening, Ostara and Prisca presented what they are doing to reduce CO2 emissions within their national associations. They talked about their projects and shared the effectiveness of involving girls and young women in combating climate change.

Also this evening, Miriam and Emily enjoyed a home cooked Danish meal with a group of a dozen accomplished women who are members of the women’s non-profit organization, Soroptimist International. Emily says:

It was inspiring and so exciting to enjoy a meal and conversation with women
who hold high leadership positions within international organizations. These women
are making a difference in developing communities.

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