Monday, December 14, 2009

COP15 Weekend: Dec. 12-13

It was nice to try to catch up on some sleep this weekend, although the days were still filled with some fun and important events.

For most of Saturday Maria and Sarah, along with some other WAGGGS delegates, took part in the Flood Copenhagen march with thousands of other climate activists to express Girl Scout's role in the climate change solution and show that we are a progressive organization focused on empowering women worldwide.

We rested for the evening, getting ready for our big day on Sunday: meeting the Princess of Denmark! Princess Benedikte is a long time supporter of Scouts and Guides, and we were all excited to get the chance to meet her. Sarah, Emily, and Luiza--our Brazilian sister funded by GSUSA--posed for a photo with the princess.

Sarah went to the Bright Green exhibition, to learn about all the innovative businesses that are promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Some spent the rest of the day shopping, some recovering from sickness, and everyone planning for the week to come.

Wish us luck in all of our upcoming events!

G.S. love,
Sarah, Maria, and Emily

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