Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 5: 10-12-09

The morning opened with the presentation of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) draft agreement, which calls for inclusion of small island states in political text to ensure their survival. It is extremely important for the small island nations to be considered since many--such as Maldives--rest only one or more meters above sea level and are especially susceptable to climate change.

Another exciting event was when the Australian delegates--Ally, Petina, Nellie, Aby, and Linden--plus Katie and Rebecca met Tim Flannery, a world renowned Australian climate change scientist and the head of the Copenhagen Climate Council. He was also a panelist at a side event in which four youth who presented projects involving youth in the environment from their home countries, followed by a panel discussion about the projects.

Later, Emily and Sarah sat in on a U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke’s, side-event discussion on energy security, energy efficiency, and green jobs. As Locke eloquently stated, "The climate change challenge is relatively simple. We can make changes now, or we will have to make changes later."

In the late afternoon, several WAGGGS delegates took part with other youth organizations in a "freeze action" – where everyone mingled in the main space outside the plenary and froze what they were doing simultaneously. It was a spooky scene of youth delegates frozen in mid-action: drinking from their water bottles, adjusting their hair, taking a step, talking to a friend or on the phone, etc.). Meanwhile, some stood on a raised platform holding signs that read, "Don't freeze the deal" -- meaning that we want negotiations to continue over creating a fair, ambitious, and binding climate change agreement.

Ostara had another photo opportunity with the Nobel Peace Prize recipient and Green Belt Movement Founder Wangari Maathai!

Luiza and Emily participated in a panel discussion about Girl Scout/Guide projects in their home countries, following a film about "Young Voices in the Climate Change Movement".

Some of our delegates also supported our sibling organisation, the World Organisation of Scouting Movement (WOSM), as they presented with UNICEF/Unite4Climate.
The last major event was the YOUNGO (Youth NGO) reception in the evening. WAGGGS opened the event by singing "One Voice" -- a simple yet inspiring song to show solidarity in the youth climate movement:
That's all for today--keep checking throughout the week for daily updates!
Yours in Scouting,
Sarah, Emily, and Maria

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